Have you heard about their song, "Step Up"? Now I tell you this... it's really funky! Disney Channel movie premiere will be on next week! Yes! And I hope it's really cool...
Next topic. Now, It's almost two years since 2005! Blogging is so out of control! And I am so sorry about not posting for several weeks. I have reasons! Yeah. I started recalling those days when I made my lay-outs in blogskins last SUMMER 2006. They rated it OK. And I remembered the 2005 when I have two hippie blog friends. Ciara and Niah. And yes! I also remembered Niah's hosted site. Now, Ciara has her own. Except me, I am very much loyal here in blogger.com. Thanks for the memoirs guys! I will never forget the times we tagon our tag-boards...
Okay, so I am posting here, and downloading songs to be played in my mp3 player. And I'm currently loving HM's, "If we were a movie". The song goes like this.
"If we were a movie, you'd be the right guy
And I'd be the best friend that you'll fall inlove with
In the end we'd be laughing
Watching the sunset
Fade to black
Show the names
Play the happy song..."
Ciao everybody! Me signing out!